Writing Forum for the Young, the Brave and the Awesome

So whilst I’m sorting through my photos to decide which ones make it onto the hallowed pages of this blog, I figured I’d do some good ol’ fashioned, shameless plugging.

Long story short, me and some lovely talented people have opened up a BRAND SPANKING NEW WRITING FORUM. We are mainly made up of 13-25 year olds, but that’s very flexible…there’re forums for all kinds of writing, including Journalism for articles and such, as well as a general chat. It’s pretty small, but growing all the time and we have a lot of big ideas.

We decided to do it after BBC first shut down Blast in 2010, and now Bitesize – where many writers were still sharing their work. This left a large gap for young writers, as most resources are either badly moderated and can be very unsupportive – with people’s work often being insulted or disrespected, or they don’t offer helpful feedback.

So check us out, we love reading everyone’s work – and there are some extremely creative people on there with really rather amazing stories to tell.


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